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About Us

We are here to empower you to overcome challenges, set meaningful goals, and live a fulfilling life. Take the first step towards positive change and discover the best version of yourself with our supportive community.

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What is Stoaching?

coworking space - "a place to work"
virtual coworking space - “a place to work on a virtual platform, enabling people from varying geographic regions to join”

What work? Any work! 

(YOU are in charge, determining your own goals and projects.)

Stoaching is a virtual coworking space with a unique twist: we combine focused work with caring through group coaching. At Stoaching, you’ll experience real-time focused silence dedicated to the goals you’ve personally set for yourself. Our unique twist is that we also include brief intervals of relevant group coaching during each session, providing valuable support and insights as you work towards achieving your objectives.

Our coaching sessions consist of our signature flair of check-ins, affirmations, and reassessments to pivot (C.A.R. because we help you move forward 😊). We are a supportive space of community and accountability for your goal fulfillment!

Our top value is “community care.” We are NOT your typical coworking space.

Why Choose Stoaching?
What is Stoaching?

Why Choose Stoaching?


Our Values:

We embrace the values that help you achieve your goals in a supportive and nurturing environment.


Our Strategies

At every session, we ensure you’re not just moving forward, but thriving on your journey.



We care for you in the pursuit of your goals, demonstrated through an untraditional method.


Our Unique

Experience multi-layered group accountability with a certified life coach.

Meet the Founder

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Dominique Hardy

Stoaching Founder

Dominique has been empowering individuals and groups for over a decade. In 2021, Dominique attained her Life Coaching Certification from "Without Limits Ministries," a ministry of Education and Training. Additionally, she is a trained professional in creating cultures of belonging. Both her struggles and lived experiences have qualified her to be a leader and innovator of this movement called "Stoaching."


No matter how far advanced meaningful technology gets, nothing can replace community, connection, human interaction and support…not even the beauty of artificial intelligence.

-Dominique, Stoaching Founder

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