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Stoaching Sessions

Interested in joining a Stoaching Session?

There are four 4-hour sessions each month, held twice a month. Each session offers two time frame options for that day. Stoachers can attend one or both time frames during that day at no extra charge and can come and go as they wish.

Each virtual session includes an increment of time where Stoachers receive several rounds of group coaching curated by a certified life coach.  Group life coaching sessions are brief, no more than 20 minutes a couple of times per Stoaching session and may include, but are not limited to: 

Mastering the growth mindset

Overcoming procrastination 

Discussing how to overcome barriers related to focus, low-self-esteem, cultivating confidence, and learning strategies

How Most Successful People Reach Their Goals

Uncovering how mental health affects goal achievement and what you can do about it

Overcoming imposter syndrome

Discussing evidence-based practices for the most effective ways to learn and study

…and much more!

*The variety of other coaching topics will be based upon the unique needs of the Stoachers.

Session Format

General Session Format

Stoaching sessions are completely virtual. Need to step away during a session? No problem. Stoaching sessions do not require you to be on camera and you can come and go as you please. Also, each session is facilitated and curated in real-time by a certified life coach. Although feedback may be encouraged, you are not obligated to be on camera or actively participate in a conversation during the session.

Here is what you should expect in typical coworking session:​


Log into the Stoaching Session

You will be welcomed into the virtual coworking space. The session will begin with Focused Silence. This time allows you to orient yourself to the session, get settled and allow other Stoachers to do the same.

Setting your Intention

This Community Care Conversation, curated by a life coach, is where we will open space for each Stoacher to set their personal session intentions and receive encouragement before we begin to work on our individual projects.

Work on your Individual Project.

This is a period of Focused Silence. Each Stoacher in the session will dedicate this time to work on their individual goals or project in real-time - on or off camera.

Optional Self-Care Break

We are a coworking space that cares! We believe in doing “hard work” and “heart-work.”  Self-care breaks—including these short ones—are crucial because they help you do the “heart-work” of recharging and maintaining your overall mental health and well-being, enabling you to be more productive.

Group Coaching

In this Community Care Conversation, curated by a life coach, you will receive brief group coaching, strategies and communal support, as well as assess your personal progress.

Work on your Individual Project.

This is an extended period of Focused Silence. Each Stoacher in the session will dedicate this time to work on their individual goals or project in real-time - on or off camera.

Community Care Wrap-Up

This is the final round of our Community Care Conversation curated by our life coach. We will give check-in on our progress, invite optional comments and offer final empowerment.

While our community conversations and focused silence are equally as important in our model, the bulk of each session is spent in focused silence working on our self-determined goals in real-time.

  •      “Stoachers” can come & go as they please with cameras on or off.

  •       All sessions and profound community care coaching conversations are facilitated and curated in real-time by an empathetic certified life coach.

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