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Our Secret Sauce

A Coworking Space of Connection: Read About Stoaching’s Differentiation Here:


Stoaching doesn't just solve the problem of focus, but we also contribute to solving the problem of loneliness. With both of those focal points, we are coined as "a coworking space that cares."  

You see, many of us know what it feels like to be 'just another number' in a coworking space paired with someone solely to accomplish a task or project. Rarely is meaningful conversation exchanged in these contexts. As a fellow Stoacher (a person who is a part of our Stoaching community), you are not just another number; you are intentionally humanized and affirmed as we pursue our goals in real-time. We skillfully balance focused times of silence to work on our goals with times of meaningful, likeminded community-building in each session. We will learn about you and your goals, aiding you in experiencing a sense of dignity and significance, which empowers the fulfillment of your self-determined goals. It is more than networking; it is "community-working."  Group conversations work concurrently with your goals, providing the extra cushion of inspiration and support. All of our group conversations are guided by a professional life coach, ensuring that the conversation is streamlined and relevant to aid you in the next interval of focused silence of working on your goals.

The intimacy of the group conversations are an artful skill and we’ve seen it work! Knowing that someone cares for you makes a significant difference in productivity. Sometimes, creatives lack the external support needed for personal esteem. Stoaching cultivates that support inside of our community.   You might wonder, as a Stoacher, do I have to speak or share during our community conversations? The answer is NO! Many Stoachers love receiving inspiration through  listening to others share. Think of it as a coworking space with self-care. All group conversations will contribute to your personal and professional development, better enabling your chances of goal completion and sustainability.  The profound conversations will contribute to your focused times of silent goal completion, not detract from it. Our life coach(es) facilitate sessions using a compassionate leadership model where your well-being is prioritized.

Our coworking space "gives ADHD a place to land." Our founder’s thought was "why try to change my neurodivergence; instead, why not  lean into it and cater to it? Therefore, we unashamedly pause and have moments of empowering group conversation and encouragement in between our focused sessions of silent work. The group conversations are all relevant to your motivation and inspiration and connect to goal completion and wellness in the process.  This methodology applies scientific techniques combined with real human connection, an unconventional recipe for success. Our session framework was birthed out of our founder’s determination not to be ashamed of her own unique design and needs. We have found that this unique community cadence aids Stoachers to experience refreshing and new energy for the next focused time of silence. While we honor our times of focused silence to work on our goals, our regular intervals of intentional empowering and relevant conversations create true community, connection, and self-care.

We believe that loneliness is not merely a state of being alone but is a state of the absence of both meaningful purpose and meaningful community. Why work towards goals if we can't enjoy them because the real substance of life —meaningful community— is absent?

Stoaching's motto is "A Platform Where Dreamers & Work Collide, and we achieve this through real-time goal advancement (in focused silence), intervals of meaningful conversations, and community self-care. Best of all, you don't have to "accomplish" alone.

We look forward to sharing our upcoming article database of the silent but deadly undercurrent of loneliness's  consequences and how community support  and a sense of purpose through goal achievement can aid in alleviating this covert but deadly global pandemic.

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