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Dominique's Personal Story

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Welcome to Stoaching, where innovation meets compassion. My journey, one I never anticipated sharing, led me to the creation of this empowering community. Stoaching didn't originate from a triumph but rather emerged from the depths of my personal struggles. Battling both a debilitating mental health condition and a learning disability, I found myself adrift in a sea of despair, struggling with executive function skills, focus, procrastination, and traditional learning pace, methods and contexts.

Determined to honor my neurodivergence and break free from the shadows of shame it cast, I embarked on a mission to craft a sanctuary where community members can be celebrated for their unique gifts and goals. Stoaching was born from this vision, a beacon of hope in the storm, offering what we call 'community care.'

At Stoaching, community care isn't just a buzzword; it's our guiding principle. We've meticulously curated a nurturing environment where every 'Stoacher' (our cherished community members) are provided with the tools for self-care and surrounded by unwavering support. Through regular check-ins and heartfelt encouragement, we ensure that no one journeys alone.

As a mentor once told me “Sometimes, we have to build the plane while we are flying it.” In this case, our 'planes' represent overlooked goals and dreams. At Stoaching, we unite to redefine care in coworking as our dreams and work collide.


We don't rise to the level of our goals; we fall to the level of our systems. 

-James Clear

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